"Wow, turn on CNN today when you have time. There is a revolution in Egypt. Boy we sure timed our trip right: we flew between the snowstorms, riots in Athens over austerity measures, riots in London over university tuition increases, bombings in Greece and Alexandria, and now a revolution! You should buy a lottery ticket (laugh)!"
--My Auntie Eve (my traveling companion from my "Excellent Adventure" chapters)
(Photo from http://arabnews.com/middleeast/article73326.ece/REPRESENTATIONS/large_620x350/mid_egypt.jpg)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Egypt and Greece Chronicles - Conclusion
Yesterday morning, we had 45 minutes to leave our hotel in Athens toward Piraeus to avoid the Metro strikes. Luckily, with three minutes remaining we were able to make it to the port of Piraeus to find a ferry to Poros. The first ferry got delayed due to weather issues at sea, so we weren’t able to board until 6:00 PM. In the meantime, we dragged our luggage around town to look for a hotel. While on this search, I noticed many uncensored billboards and news stands—countless images of topless women in g-strings were stroking each other. It didn't bother me, though I was still amazed after spending a week in a country where women tend to be more-or-less black silhouettes.
After we left the Piraeus hotel, my aunt and I found seats at the port. Then she went searching for a news stand with her favorite newspaper, The International Herald Tribune. Immediately, this dark-skinned man (Another Egyptian?) approached me with a box of (Pardon my Russian.) "cheap shit" to sell. I told him "No, thank you," but he persistently tried negotiating a price for this vibrating massager, which he removed from the box, turned on, and began using against my upper back…then my lower back…then my right calf… I kept telling him, "NO, thank you!" But I couldn’t help (Again, pardon my Russian.) laughing my ass off, which he mistook for my wanting more. He kept at it while trying to negotiate a price. Finally, a Greek woman working one of the nearby stands yelled at and shooed him like he were a swarm of flies.
Almost three hours and three stops later, we made it to the island of Poros. Tired and with no hotel reservation, we set out to locate another hotel and got picked up by this ugly woman working on commission. Astonishingly, the rooms’ TVs have every foreign channel but CNN, and guests are forced to bathe in old school tubs, not showers. While the Holly at the beginning of this trip would have been more open-minded to a tubbing session, the Holly this morning, upon discovering this, was craving the spoiled American life again.
But now I’m content and fed, and enjoying a beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea from a modest Greek café. The buildings on one side of the port are either white, light yellow, or peach on the lower hills and bare on the upper hills.
Not too long ago, an old religious-looking man came up to me, and when I looked at him he just stared. I said, “Yes?” He replied, “Yes.” Then left. Odd.
Not too long ago, an old religious-looking man came up to me, and when I looked at him he just stared. I said, “Yes?” He replied, “Yes.” Then left. Odd.
At the crack of dawn tomorrow, we leave for the hotel in Athens to pick up the rest of our luggage in storage. Then my aunt will take me to the airport where we will say our good byes. I’ll fly into London Heathrow, where the runways should be clear (Boy, am I lucky!). I’ll stay at the Holiday Inn in London for one night, fly into JFK, and then fly into LAX to conclude this marvelous trip.
The Egypt and Greece Chronicles: Part VII
Morning of Sunday, 19 December, Athens: Yesterday morning, I checked my bags to make sure all my family's Christmas gifts were still existing and intact. After a thorough search, it looked like some bastard in Egypt was now enjoying the Egyptian Pounds coming off the silver bracelet I bought for my mom.
Auntie and I slept in after the late flight, enjoyed the best meal we’ve had in a week (three weeks for her)--consisting of turkey sandwiches for me and a latte for her--and then found the nearest Metro to take to the Acropolis.
After getting off the Metro, there was a nice cobblestone walkway winding around the base of the Acropolis. Along the walkway on one side were middle-class-looking buildings, each with a Greek flag stemming off, and street musicians with their healthy German shepherds (unlike the ones in Egypt) sitting on the Acropolis side. Perpendicular to the walkway (building side) were narrow streets with little European cars. The air was cold, crisp, and clean.
A tall Asian guy with an SLR camera took the same path as us to the top, though I wondered if we were actually being followed. He was very friendly--a little too friendly--and helped us locate the entrance. Then after Auntie went her own way he decided to latch on to me. (I guess that’s what some do when they’re alone in a foreign country and meet someone who speaks their language.) He went by “Howie” and came from San Francisco. Then after the Parthenon, we went to the nearby shops and saw him there, too. At that point he asked for my contact information. I gave him my email address.
The fascinating new Acropolis Museum was built over "excavations," which can be seen through the glass floor. (I put the word in quotes, because I wasn't sure if the "excavation" was real or if the museum was purposely built over where many of the reliefs and sculptures were discovered.) The museum itself was rather tiny, but had amazing pieces that I’m sure make the Greeks very, very proud.
Evening of 19 December: I’ve never known anything more hair-pulling than the elevators at this hotel. Before switching my room due to the smell of burnt hair, we were both on the seventh level. We pressed the "down" button, then the elevator started at level three, headed down to one, then up to eight, then down to five, then down to three again…
The Egypt and Greece Chronicles: Part VI
Morning of 18 December, Classic Athens Imperial Hotel, Athens: I’m finally in Athens after a long week in Egypt. From Alexandria we were able to train it back to Cairo (and it actually took 2.5 hours!), where we hopped on a plane to Greece. Much to our relief, the train was sanitary and its passengers more civilized. I spent much of the time reading while hearing the buzz of a man’s voice muttering prayers to himself (Fridays are the Muslim day of Sabbath), and at one point our car played Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely by the Backstreet Boys. How random is that?
But let me tell you: when arriving in Athens (a Christian country) at around midnight it was like someone set loose a flock of doves; it was beautiful. The Greek female flight attendants had the physique of classical Greek statues and spoke with fabulous accents. This was my first time hearing both the accent and the language, and I must say I've never heard anything like it. To me, it sounded like a mix of Mexican Spanish, Jamaican, and British--pretty far off from Arabic.
The city at night from cab view wasn't too magnificent. This was probably because I'm used to seeing the same architecture in the US, who bit off the Greeks (Who hasn't?); in fact, it reminded me of Old Town Pasadena. It was comforting to feel like home, yet disappointing because it felt like I was back home. I suppose I have to visit one of the Islands to get a good feel for the Greek life--that’s if the strikes don’t impact our ride out.
The Egypt and Greece Chronicles: Part V
Morning of Friday, 17 December, Sheraton Hotel, Alexandria: That last couple of days weren’t very eventful, so I'm informing everyone that I’m okay and haven’t been raped and/or kidnapped.
To begin, I’m sad to say I didn't dine with the Italians, because even a forty-five minute flight from Luxor to Cairo can induce vast amounts of slumbery (And jet lag adds up after traveling by plane thrice times within the same week!). I ended up knocking out at 7 PM and returning to consciousness exactly twelve hours later. On the way out of Cairo I was told that Jacomo nicknamed me “Sid” from Ice Age.
Our entertainment was a few Egyptian films, which were all in Arabic and excruciating to watch, because gollygeewillickers, that acting was so exaggerated and the filmmaking so amateur that the "filmmakers" might get some decent taste and skill from Leave it to Beaver. And looking around, I noticed that the passengers were highly amused by a “dying” man motioning to to his comrades in the woods to leave him to die, and then ten seconds later remembering he had to actually look the part of “dead” (Thunk!). They were also entertained by a rebellious teenager’s victorious display that almost injures her boyfriend’s ribs and nearly knocks off her own boob. I wanted to saw off my leg.
The bus concluded its route five hours later. By cab it took us another hour to get to the hotel because there was just no escaping traffic, whether we were on the main road or on a detour. But fortunately, when the traffic dispersed we got a gander at cosmopolitan life in Alexandria (old, tall, off-white buildings and many, many jewelry and antique stores), and a beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea at 5 PM along the corniche. It’s too bad that ferries for crossing the Mediterranean no longer exist and our day was wasted, so today we head back to Cairo (hopefully by train this time) to catch a flight to Athens.
Hopefully the airport in Athens hasn’t shut down due to the riots…
The Egypt and Greece Chronicles: Part IV
(Yesterday) Tuesday, 14 December, Pyramisa Hotel in Luxor, Egypt, right on the Nile River.
After I had breakfast, I decided to check the gift shop for a decent Christmas gift for my sister. I walked in and the young salesman greeted me. Forgetting that Egypt doesn’t work on fixed prices, I found myself getting into a bargain when I asked for the price of a mug in US dollars and was invited to sit down for tea. Oh, no…
“Because you have beautiful face, I will offer you discount.” Right…
I guess my first attempt at bargaining wasn’t too shabby since I brought the price down from $15 to $10. Following the transaction I thanked him for the tea and started gathering my belongings.
“Miss, how long you stay here?” I told him until tomorrow. “Oh, oh… May I give you my Hotmail?” Um, sure. We swapped email addresses and then he asked if I have a boyfriend. I told him “Yes,” fearing the next question on his mental flowchart had I responded otherwise.
“Oh, oh… In Egypt, my father show me women and I choose.”
“Yes, I’m familiar. Statistically-speaking, arranged marriages tend to work better than non-arranged,” I said.
I said more slowly, “Statistics…say…’arranged’…is…better…than…’not.’”
“What is sticks?”
I said even more slowly, “Sta-ti-stics.”
I waved my hand to shoo off the topic, “This was very good tea, thank you.”
“Only for you, Miss, only for you. You know, I be here all the time,” he held up his cell phone. “You may call when have question.”
I politely declined and said I would be gone most of the day. I shook his hand; he then pulled me closer and said, “Ah, your hands are so cold…”
“Yeah, that’s normal.”
“Please don’t be shy if need something.”
“Okay, thank you, okay!” I got my hand back and started for the door.
“Good bye, you have good one!”
I left. A few minutes later I had some buyer’s remorse, realizing the mug wasn’t exactly “drinking material.” Ten bucks…
10:00 AM came around and so did our private tour guide, who looked about 30-years-old and had well-spoken English. On the way to the Valley of the Kings (where all the Ramseseses and the Tut are buried, along with 50-something other pharaohs), the guide told us a bit about Egypt’s history and culture, the Pyramids (the largest contains 100,000,000 stones and took only 20 years of construction--incredible!), etc. When he began speaking about marriage in the Muslim culture, my aunt asked him if he was married to the Muslim woman.
“No, I do not like those women,” (Why not?) “Because after you marry them, they become fat.”
(Reminder: I was told--however it might be true--that because Muslim men and women cannot date, the men sometimes take out their “sexual frustrations” on women outside the Muslim community. So when we arrived at the Valley my aunt whispered to me, “Can you imagine that he’s probably a virgin and hasn’t even exploded?”)
At the Valley I went into Ramses IV’s tomb, Ramses IX’s tomb, and the tomb of one of those Ramses’ 200 children (That guy lived to be…93?...And had 40 wives. They called him the “Busy King”). Unbelievably, the tombs’ walls still contained hieroglyphic paint after thousands of years made of mashed up flowers, rocks, and egg whites.
Anyway, my aunt waited while I explored two of the tombs because, after being around the world more times than fingers can count, she's well, seen everything. On the way back to the van my aunt said out loud, “You know what our guide asked me while you were gone? He asked if he can have some alone time with you while we visit the Temple of Hatshepsut!” Clearly, our guide was very embarrassed and shook his head in slight fear.
The Temple of Hatshepsut was also magnificent. (I recommend researching her bio.) Having three levels--one of which was terrorized in '97--it was carved right into a rock hill. The view from the third level shows dry, rocky Luxor in the foreground and vegetation being harvested in the background. I’m pretty sure that image has been permanently nailed to my memory wall.
After my solitary sight-seeing, I met the guide in the café near the Temple's base (Auntie was in the van with “Sa-sa” the driver.) and he immediately offered me a drink. I politely declined.
Walking back to the van again, he asked me, “At what age do Americans date?” I told him at the start of adolescence.
“Hmm, would you ever consider an Egyptian boyfriend?” Ugh.
“Well no, cultural differences might make that challenging.”
“What if he is open-minded?”
“I wouldn't count on it.” I explained that I once dated someone from a Mexican upbringing, which was frustrating because he had possessive tendencies and his mother wanted me to learn to cook. I hate cooking.
Auntie and I ended the day with a short trip to the Temple of Karnak, which is (probably) one of the most esteemed structures on the planet. It covers so much ground and is/was supported by hieroglyphic-covered columns about half a Sycamore's diameter. There are also a couple of obelisks, whose siblings (if I’m correct) were taken by the Romans (One stands in the middle of Vatican City.) and others. There’s one in New York and another in Paris, but my fuzzy memory isn’t confident.
Today we head back to Cairo and have dinner with the Italians again.
The Egypt and Greece Chronicles: Part III
The streets behind the square were old, narrow, full of cats (Dog ownership is frowned upon in the Middle East because Muhammad said they’re unclean.), and contained many tiny shops. Some shops probably couldn’t hold more than ten people, and others probably no more than five. We stepped inside one shop to get my aunt a new traveling spinner. What’s fascinating about a shopping experience in the Middle East (Well, I’m not sure it’s completely unique to the Middle East.) is that if you’re going to take time to look at their merchandise, they take you to a remote part of the shop where they serve you tea, put a few options in front of you, and then begin the bargaining process. Raised on fixed prices, I found I had no patience for this and could equate watching my aunt bargaining with “Imon” (eye-mon) to a comedic tennis match. One needs to maintain a sense of humor while bargaining.
She eventually lost interest and we moved on to another shop. A couple of men working at the previous one had followed us. The two men working in this new one gave my aunt some options, she chose one, and I suggested that it can’t be worth more than $40.
“I tell you what: because man behind you is my friend, I offer you discount.” Yeah, like we haven’t heard that one before.
She bought the chosen one at the price I suggested, and before leaving I got a picture with the vendor. My aunt stepped out the shop and I shook hands with the vendor. He then pulled me closer and said, “You have beautiful eyes and look Egyptian. How about a kiss?” He turned his cheek toward me and I politely declined. It had been the third comment on my eyes since I arrived in Egypt and I was starting to think that Egyptian men really go for that kind of thing (probably because that’s all one can really see on most Muslim women).
The Egyptian Museum was a short distance away, so we moseyed over to see the mask and coffin of the famous King Tut. (I can smell Stephanie’s jealousy from California :-P.) On the way over another sandstorm was brewing, and I noticed a barrier surrounding a large hole in front of the museum that looked a lot like Ground Zero in New York. Turns out that's where they had some terrorist bombings (as a statement against Christianity?).
The King Tut room was packed with tourists. The mask, much to our relief, had a description attached to it saying that it contained 11 kilo of gold. Jebus! And the three-layered coffin and jewelry were just as breathtaking with their many minor details. Those Egyptian royals…so spoiled…
On the way back my aunt mentioned that we’re going to have dinner with the Italians again later this week.
“Man, isn’t Jacomo just a hot piece of ass? I might be old, but I’m not dead. And by the way, I think Alessandro was really taken by you; I’d never seen him so quiet. Either that or he’s a player,” she said, Jacomo (JOCK-o-mo) being the 22-year-old and Alessandro the 32-year-old.
After we returned to the hotel around 2 PM, I used the rest of the day to sleep off the leftover jet lag. I woke up and knocked out periodically, and then found myself at the point of no return for sleep at 3 AM. Sigh…
The Egypt and Greece Chronicles: Part II
It's a little after 10pm in Cairo as I begin to type. This day couldn't have been any more fascinating.
At around noon thirty my aunt and I hailed a cab to get to the Pyramids, and in this cab I experienced yet another episode of culture shock: the cab was an independent, looked like a crappy toy car, and had no seat belts. Twice we got pulled over, once (we're guessing) because the cabbie didn't set the meter and then because he had driven out of the boundaries for independent cab drivers, where normally a government official would take over (Egypt has a major theft problem in tourism, which is obviously a large income-producing industry for them). It's nerve-racking (but definitely adrenaline-inducing) being told to stop in who-knows-where completely surrounded by maniacal Egyptian traffic (I liken it to Indian traffic) with not only cars, but also teenage boys riding donkey carts full of who-knows-what; also, the language barrier between the two bickering men didn't provide much assistance to understanding the situation, and the disgusting scenery that is Egyptian apartments wasn't too comforting. BUT, it was something I will never forget. In the words of my aunt, "You can't make this stuff up."
So two traffic tickets later, we felt pity toward the cabbie and decided to buy him some KFC :-). He was grateful.
Almost at the pyramids we were stopped AGAIN by a man wearing all denim and looking suave. He and the cabbie began to argue over something-er-other, and it being the third time around of bickering I was beginning to think that this was typical communication for Egyptians. But what turned it around was that the man decided to join us in the cab. At this point my aunt started to get a strange look on her face because she was sensing a scam brewing up.
Looking at my aunt, "Madame, where are you going? Are you American?"
"The Pyramids and the Sphinx, and yes."
"'Give me back my silver.' Ah, the Pyramids and Sphinkes? I tell you what, I take you on special tour for good price. We take camel or carriage ride, you choose."
(Keep in mind that my aunt is a New Yorker, born and raised; she and my dad are probably the reason for my potty mouth) My aunt replied, "No no no, you're gonna take us somewhere remote and make us pay $100 or you won't let us go. We're not gonna fall for that bullshit!"
"But madame..."
Somehow we ended up at some remote sandy "alley" close to the Pyramids but no cigar. "HELL no, we want to go to the entrance of the Pyramids. Take us to the entrance."
"But madame, this is the entrance. I take you both on private tour on camel and inside Pyramid. Then we see Sphinkes and we take picture of you on camel."
"NO! TAKE US TO THE ENTRANCE OF THE FUCKING PYRAMIDS!" This went on for a good five minutes.
He then looked at me, "Miss, would you like private tour?'
"TAKE US TO THE ENTRANCE!" So the cabbie backed out of the "alley" and took us to the entrance. Persistence, persistence.
Again, you can't make this up...
We got our tickets to enter, stepped through the sensors, and made our merry way...and goodness gracious, it was amazing! Pyramids, pyramids, pyramids! Full of pyramids and people. And speaking of people, one thing to know about children in these foreign countries is that even THEY know how to pickpocket. They say, "HEL-lo, eshuse me, can you take picture?" And when you're fiddling around with the camera and being distracted by some of them, another will slip a hand into your purse and take anything of high value. So you can believe me when I say that anytime a group of children approached us like a swarm of locusts I would run off while keeping my hands over my pockets. It's hard to appreciate historical landmarks when people are trying to rob you. I wanted to put on my New York face to tell them (and any other thief/scam/vendor) to fuck off, but I remember my aunt telling me something along the lines of, "No no, since it's not New York, they would actually take that personally."
While avoiding children, a man on a camel approached us asking if we wanted a ride for "20 and 20" and if we are American. We told him "Later" and "Yes." He replied, "Give me back my silver." Not kidding. And while we were walking, a large military van drove by shouting a bunch o' nothings.
"They were shouting at you, Holly. They think you're pretty."
"Oh, how nice of them."
"Well it is, but they think you're a whore because you're American." Oh, how nice. THAT would explain the part when a vendor invaded my privacy by attempting to stick some tourism shit down the front of my jacket.
Anyway, Camel Guy and another man on camelback had followed us the entire time. So after trying to get a good look at the Pyramids we took them up on the camel ride.
"20 and 20, and you better take us to the 'Sphinkes' and let us down," said my aunt, referring to the aforementioned $100 scam.
Not even three minutes into the ride my aunt freaked out on the camel, and the men tried calming her down because she was arousing fear and anger out of the camel. Camel noises aren't too attractive. A couple more minutes my aunt suggested I get off the camel so as to not be taken to a remote area. I got off, she paid them "20 and 20" plus a generous tip, and we started for the Sphinkes on foot. The men began calling for us saying we didn't pay enough.
"20 AND 20! 20 AND 20!" Persistence, persistence.
The Sphinkes was AMAZING, but after a few we were somewhat interrupted by...a sandstorm. Not making this up. A sandstorm in the middle east! My hair turned to straw! Everyone, tourists and citizens, began moseying their way (backwards) toward the exit, and my aunt and I regretted not being equipped with veils to cover our faces.
To end the day, a few hours ago my aunt surprised me with...(drum roll)...a Japanese dinner with two GORGEOUS Italian men she had met before my arrival in Cairo. I kid you not. Two charming, authentic Italian men, one the age of 22 and the other 32, both engineers. Both I believe, according to my understanding of their bippity boppity, have been "here since Deshember but will not let me feeneesh." The younger one works in a factory and the other trains Egyptians in...tile laying? Something like that. Anyway, the older one asked for my contact information in case he visits LA and wants a tour. I told him what we have in LA is no Pyramid or Leaning Tower of Pisa, but sure. It was a wonderful ending to an insane but riveting day in Egypt.
The Egypt and Greece Chronicles: Part I
Sonesta Tower and Casino Cairo: I’m finally here after what seemed like a two-and-a-half day all-nighter (ten-hour flight from LAX to London Heathrow, then five-hour flight from Heathrow to Cairo International Airport).
It started with—to my relief—a smooth walk through security at LAX. As soon as I saw those new body-peeping sensors I was glad to be wearing sweats. I said "Farewell" to the pops (who watched me walk until I was completely out of sight—this was a big step for him as well), and began the usual security routine of removing all items from pockets, etc. When I was ready to be peeped at, the first security guard said, “You may step through here; by the way, nice shirt.” She was on the other side of one of the "old school" body sensors. I was pretty relieved. When I got to the other side, the next security guard (much older) said, “You’re too young to be wearing a shirt like that.” It had a picture of The Beatles on it.
The first flight was painfully long, boring, and uncomfortable; so long, boring, and uncomfortable I wouldn’t ever wish it upon anyone (well…). NEXT.
London (45 degrees Fahrenheit at the time). The multiple British accents in the airport lobby made me giggle on the inside, but I didn’t remember the Brits ever being that chatty. “Joshua, are you pretending to be a squirrel or a chipmunk?” “How do you use this bloody phone?!” “One at a time…ONE AT A TIME!” “Have our rows been called? Shall we get in queue?” “Did you have any crumpets earlier?”
EgyptAir from London. The plane was clean, spacey, had high tech screens that didn’t freeze, and each seat had a foot rest (OMG). It was great, and it was going to be only a five-hour flight.
Some observations I made were the following (though I shouldn’t have been too surprised): a Muslim woman completely covered from head to toe except for her eyes; in every row, the men were addressed first for food/drink requests; all flight attendants were male; all announcements were in Arabic; a large screen in the front would periodically show a “compass” pointing towards Mecca; and with meals people could purchase cigarette packs.
Other observations: for entertainment, Tetris is called “Manika”; under “Comedy Films” was The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (I dunno; didn’t see it because it didn’t look funny.), and under “Thriller Films” was Killers (with Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl, which last time I checked is a chick flick).
I sat next to an Iranian man the whole way there. He was a nervous flyer and felt the need to talk to me the whole time. (I’m reminded of this term we learned about in Communication Theory called “Stranger on a plane”—the person who tells you his entire life story.) Yeah. Anyway, after he told me his entire life story he wanted to know mine. He was also interested in my height (in centimeters of course), my religion, my interests, etc. When I told him I was interested in global climate change he responded with, "Oh, global warming? That's BULLSHIT! It's cold outside! (laughs)"
I landed around 10:30 PM, took an official cabbie out of the airport, drove by the President’s headquarters, and finally ended my two-and-a-half day’s journey at the hotel where my aunt was awaiting outside.
Tomorrow…you’ll find out tomorrow :-). (Technically later today, 11 December.)
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